Saturday, May 26, 2012

알쌈쭈꾸미 (flying fish roe, sesame leaves, and webfoot octopus)

Combination of Flying Fish Roe, Sesame Leaves, 
and Webfoot Octopus ~

Do you like eating pork or rice wrapped in lettuce, cabbage, and sesame leaves?
I like these foods so much! Most people who like these foods enjoy eating meat such as beef and pork belly or vegetables such as Vietnamese rice wraps wrapped in lettuce, cabbage, and sesame leaves. BUT!!! The food that I've ever eaten in Sinchon is different!! It is to eat  flying fish roe and webfoot octopus wrapped in sesame leaves. Now I know you’re all dying to know what this fusion food tastes like and looks like!! Follow Me!!

There are so many people. This means that the taste of the food is good
and this restaurant is very popular in Korea.

This restaurant offers 50% discounts on various side menu or gives it for free.
Served services are different depending on days of the week.

I placed an order for 쭈삼(webfoot octopus and pork belly) and 쭈갈(webfoot octopus and pork chops) to eat a mix of foods from different menu and feel various taste. Before being served main food, many side dishes were offered, bean sprouts, laver, garlic, carrots, and chilies.

How to eat deliciously

1. As soon as a main dish, webfoot octopus, put  bean sprouts into the food, mix them and cook the food.

2. Eat webfoot octopus, pork belly, or pork chops wrapped in laver, sesame leaves, and flying fish roe!! It is better to eat with various vegetables such as carrots, chilies, and garlic!

FINALLY!!!!! 쭈삼 and 쭈갈 were offered!!
 I had to wait until the food was cooked.
The day when I visited this restaurant was
on Tuesday, so rick cake was served 
for free kkkkkkk

TIP !! Flying fish roe, sesame leaves,
and mussel soup are served
with an unlimited refill.
If the quantity isn't enough to fill you up, add them for free and help yourselves!!
Flying fish roe and Sesame leaves

Mussel soup

 The taste was spicy-sweet. BUT, in my case, I felt that hot taste is stronger than sweet flavor!! When I ate them, I felt that my mouth was burning because of spicy and red sauce!! Despite spicy taste, it was very good food for me.

Even though I was full, I ate fried rice because other many people ate that, it seemed to be delicious! In addition, I added cheese topping into the fried rice to improve savor and texture of that.

Basic fried rice

Fried rice with cheese topping
Cheese and egg are being cook kkkkk

Cheese fried rice was completed!!!!!Wow!!
The taste is milder because of cheese.

Eat fried rice wrapped in various ingredients!! So Fantastic!!!

How to get there

Photo reference

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